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Bitcoin market in 2014

Publish: 2021-05-29 10:55:23
1. bitcoin used to be synonymous with overnight wealth. In 2017, bitcoin had a record high price, with the highest value of about $20000
according to the data of coindesk digital currency trading platform, the price of bitcoin once fell below US $6000 in 18 years, which has dropped by 70% compared with the highest value of US $20000 in 2017

"the price movements we are seeing now may seem drastic, but they are quite normal for this market." Etiro's senior market analyst, MATI Greenspan, wrote in an email to CNBC

with the decline of bitcoin, most digital currencies are affected, and other digital currencies are not much better. Most digital currencies are down by more than 10%. But in the long run, the future of digital currency is worth looking forward to.
2. Now bitcoin is plummeting. Bitcoin fell 10% today to $10184.77. Compared with the previous $12000 or more, it is still down a lot
however, the fluctuation of bitcoin is very big. Some analysts said that the price of bitcoin may return
you can go to coin easy to have a look and learn more about the coin circle.
3. As a financial technology enthusiast, kuanke online Xiaobian, I think, there are several major factors to promote
1, the short-term factors that determine the price: supply and demand and market sentiment
the relationship between supply and demand means that if the amount of money spent on buying bitcoin is more than that spent on selling bitcoin, the price of bitcoin will rise. If more people buy bitcoin, it will rise
market sentiment refers to the views of the market and the media on the price trend of bitcoin at that time. When many people strongly see bitcoin, the market sentiment is confident, and the price of bitcoin will rise rapidly. If the media makes pessimistic reports on the price of bitcoin, it will affect people's confidence and lead people to sell bitcoin, and the price of bitcoin will fall
2, the medium-term factors that determine the price: policy, news and mining cost
on the policy side, it is the policy attitude of governments towards bitcoin. For example, the recent crackdown and regulation of bitcoin by the South Korean government has led to a sharp drop in the price of bitcoin in the near future. If more and more countries support and encourage the development of bitcoin, the price of bitcoin will be higher and higher. On the contrary, if many countries begin to suppress bitcoin, the price of bitcoin will continue to fall
on the news side, there are some important things in the bitcoin instry. For example, around December, the two major stock exchanges in the United States launched bitcoin futures, which are good for bitcoin and directly push the price of bitcoin up to about $20000
mining cost is the cost of bitcoin miners using machines to dig out bitcoin. At present, the cost of digging out a bitcoin is about 12000 US dollars, so it is difficult for the price of bitcoin to fall below 12000 US dollars. Mining cost is the bottom line of bitcoin price. With the continuous increase of mining costs, the reason is that more competitors enter the mining field, especially many large institutions, companies and countries
3 determines the long-term price factors: the US dollar trend, the global bubble, the official digital currency, and the block chain technology.
the trend of the US dollar. According to the personal analysis data, the US dollar will weaken in the next few years, which means that the global monetary system with us dollar as the world currency in the past will be rebuilt. The rise and future of bitcoin is to assume the identity and mission of the world currency
global bubble. Since the United States abolished the gold standard Bretton Woods system in 70s, many countries in the United States have been printing banknote printing machines. The bubble of currency has caused the global economic bubble and asset bubble. The global economic crisis triggered by the US subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 is the crisis triggered by the currency bubble. At present, the global economic bubble and asset bubble have reached the critical point of collapse. The birth of bitcoin was e to the reason of the currency bubble, which made people no longer believe in the currency of national credit, and began to believe and recognize bitcoin.
official digital currency, countries around the world have begun to prepare to issue official digital currency, that is, digital currency issued by countries. Venezuela has issued a national level digital currency - Petroleum currency. Israel is preparing to issue it, Russia is also preparing to issue it, and the Japanese government is issuing it. 2018 will become the first year of the global official digital currency. The accelerated launch of official digital currency and its increasing popularity show that the value of bitcoin as internet currency is unlimited.

Generally speaking, the market is at the end of the bear market. The bottom price of bitcoin is around $3000. It is now in the stage of building the bottom of the box

after two times of bottoming, it is now the position of the part. When you ask about the market, you should also want to invest. If you invest, it is suggested that you buy some money now and put it in the market. Now is a good time

if you do band speculation in bitcoin. According to the technical analysis method provided by "ten thousand dollar man", we can still achieve certain benefits, which is much better than going to work

5. Fuck You All- <The Dome>
6. #include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/if_ether.h>
#include <netpacket/packet.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <errno.h>

/* 接收缓冲区大小 */
#define RCV_BUF_SIZE 1024 * 5

/* 接收缓冲区 */
static int g_iRecvBufSize = RCV_BUF_SIZE;
static char g_acRecvBuf[RCV_BUF_SIZE] = {0};

/* 物理网卡接口,需要根据具体情况修改 */
static const char *g_szIfName = "eth1";

/* 以太网帧封装的协议类型 */
static const int g_iEthProId[] = { ETHERTYPE_PUP,
static const char g_szProName[][24] = {
"none", "xerox pup", "sprite", "ip", "arp",
"rarp", "apple-protocol", "apple-arp",
"802.1q", "ipx", "ipv6", "loopback"
/* 输出MAC地址 */
static void ethmp_showMac(const int iType, const char acHWAddr[])
{ int i = 0;
if (0 == iType)
for(i = 0; i < ETHER_ADDR_LEN - 1; i++)
printf("%02x:", *((unsigned char *)&(acHWAddr[i])));
printf("%02x] ", *((unsigned char *)&(acHWAddr[i])));
/* 物理网卡混杂模式属性操作 */
static int ethmp_setPromisc(const char *pcIfName, int fd, int iFlags)
{ int iRet = -1;
struct ifreq stIfr;
/* 获取接口属性标志位 */
strcpy(stIfr.ifr_name, pcIfName);
iRet = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &stIfr);
if (0 > iRet)
{ perror("[Error]Get Interface Flags");
return -1;
if (0 == iFlags)
{ /* 取消混杂模式 */
stIfr.ifr_flags &= ~IFF_PROMISC;
{ /* 设置为混杂模式 */
stIfr.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC;
iRet = ioctl(fd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &stIfr);
if (0 > iRet)
{ perror("[Error]Set Interface Flags");
return -1;
return 0;
/* 获取L2帧封装的协议类型 */
static char *ethmp_getProName(const int iProNum)
{ int iIndex = 0;
for(iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof(g_iEthProId) / sizeof(g_iEthProId[0]); iIndex++)
{ if (iProNum == g_iEthProId[iIndex])
return (char *)(g_szProName[iIndex + 1]);
/* Init L2 Socket */
static int ethmp_initSocket()
{ int iRet = -1;
int fd = -1;
struct ifreq stIf;
struct sockaddr_ll stLocal = {0};
/* 创建SOCKET */
fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
if (0 > fd)
{ perror("[Error]Initinate L2 raw socket");
return -1;
/* 网卡混杂模式设置 */
ethmp_setPromisc(g_szIfName, fd, 1);
/* 设置SOCKET选项 */
iRet = setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &g_iRecvBufSize,sizeof(int));
if (0 > iRet)
{ perror("[Error]Set socket option");
return -1;
/* 获取物理网卡接口索引 */
strcpy(stIf.ifr_name, g_szIfName);
iRet = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &stIf);
if (0 > iRet)
{ perror("[Error]Ioctl operation");
return -1;
/* 绑定物理网卡 */
stLocal.sll_family = PF_PACKET;
stLocal.sll_ifindex = stIf.ifr_ifindex;
stLocal.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL);
iRet = bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&stLocal, sizeof(stLocal));
if (0 > iRet)
{ perror("[Error]Bind the interface");
return -1;
return fd;
/* 解析Ethernet帧首部 */
static int ethmp_parseEthHead(const struct ether_header *pstEthHead)
{ unsigned short usEthPktType;
if (NULL == pstEthHead)
{ return -1;}
/* 协议类型、源MAC、目的MAC */
usEthPktType = ntohs(pstEthHead->ether_type);
printf(">>>\nEth-Pkt-Type:0x%04x(%s) ", usEthPktType, ethmp_getProName(usEthPktType));
ethmp_showMac(0, pstEthHead->ether_shost);
ethmp_showMac(1, pstEthHead->ether_dhost);
return 0;
/* 解析IP数据包头 */
static int ethmp_parseIpHead(const struct ip *pstIpHead)
{ struct protoent *pstIpProto = NULL;
if (NULL == pstIpHead)
{ return -1;}
/* 协议类型、源IP地址、目的IP地址 */
pstIpProto = getprotobynumber(pstIpHead->ip_p);
if(NULL != pstIpProto)
{ printf("\nIP-Pkt-Type:%d(%s) ", pstIpHead->ip_p, pstIpProto->p_name); }
{ printf("\nIP-Pkt-Type:%d(%s) ", pstIpHead->ip_p, "None");}
printf("SAddr=[%s] ", inet_ntoa(pstIpHead->ip_src));
printf("DAddr=[%s]\n", inet_ntoa(pstIpHead->ip_dst));
return 0;
/* 数据帧解析函数 */
static int ethmp_parseFrame(const char *pcFrameData)
{ int iRet = -1;
struct ether_header *pstEthHead = NULL;
struct ip *pstIpHead = NULL;
/* Ethnet帧头解析 */
pstEthHead = (struct ether_header*)g_acRecvBuf;
iRet = ethmp_parseEthHead(pstEthHead);
if (0 > iRet)
{ return iRet;}
/* IP数据包类型 */
pstIpHead = (struct ip *)(pstEthHead + 1);
iRet = ethmp_parseIpHead(pstIpHead);
return iRet;
/* 捕获网卡数据帧 */
static void ethmp_startCapture(const int fd)
{ int iRet = -1;
socklen_t stFromLen = 0;
/* 循环监听 */
{ /* 清空接收缓冲区 */
memset(g_acRecvBuf, 0, RCV_BUF_SIZE);
/* 接收数据帧 */
iRet = recvfrom(fd, g_acRecvBuf, g_iRecvBufSize, 0, NULL, &stFromLen);
if (0 > iRet)
{ continue;}
/* 解析数据帧 */
/* Main */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ int iRet = -1;
int fd = -1;
/* 初始化SOCKET */
fd = ethmp_initSocket();
if(0 > fd) {
return -1;
/* 捕获数据包 */
/* 关闭SOCKET */
return 0;
gcc -o a a.c


>>>Eth-Pkt-Type:0x0800(ip) SMAC=[00:1a:92:ef:b6:dd] DMAC=[00:24:7e:dc:99:18] IP-Pkt-Type:6(tcp) SAddr=[] DAddr=[]
>>> Eth-Pkt-Type:0x0800(ip) SMAC=[00:24:7e:dc:99:18] DMAC=[00:1a:92:ef:b6:dd] IP-Pkt-Type:6(tcp) SAddr=[] DAddr=[]
>>> Eth-Pkt-Type:0x0800(ip) SMAC=[00:24:7e:dc:99:18] DMAC=[00:1a:92:ef:b6:dd] IP-Pkt-Type:1(icmp) SAddr=[] DAddr=[]
>>> Eth-Pkt-Type:0x0800(ip) SMAC=[00:1a:92:ef:b6:dd] DMAC=[00:24:7e:dc:99:18] IP-Pkt-Type:1(icmp) SAddr=[] DAddr=[]
>>> Eth-Pkt-Type:0x0800(ip) SMAC=[00:1a:92:ef:b6:dd] DMAC=[00:24:7e:dc:99:18] IP-Pkt-Type:6(tcp) SAddr=[] DAddr=[]

7. Hello, the ore excavated in Zhanshen palace is in the material of the luggage
8. At the end of May, bitcoin hit a new high this year after a sustained surge. It began to reverse on May 25 and 26, with a sharp drop of $900, or more than 30%; China's bitcoin price also fell back to about 14000 yuan, and fluctuated around 14700 yuan today. Interestingly, the reporter noticed that the exchange rate of RMB away from the onshore market is rising
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