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The exchange rate of bitcoin in the United States

Publish: 2021-05-29 12:09:36
1. First of all, we need to study a question
who needs to cash in bitcoin

he is a virtual currency, and the virtual currency is not supported by the national credit, so if the company that issued the currency fails, your assets will be wasted< But why do so many people use it?
one is speculation and the other is money laundering. No matter which one is for national management, it can not be allowed.
2. Wot chain aims to build a basic data platform for the Internet of things system, and provide a whole process solution for data collection, storage, sharing and application. Wot chain will break through the core underlying technology of blockchain application in the Internet of things system, and provide infrastructure for data sharing and transaction in the Internet of things. Build data aggregation and real-time data stream applications on wot chain to maximize the value of Internet of things data. Decentralized blockchain system requires the whole network node to operate the same transaction (data). From the perspective of calculation and storage, this has great disadvantages. It can not give full play to the cooperative ability of distributed network system. So it is not scalable. Wot chain puts forward the idea of separating data layer and control layer, constructs a parallel architecture
to enhance the scalability of the system, and provides open data sharing function to encrypt user data while protecting user privacy.
3. Now the price of fire coin is 7000 dollars per bitcoin
4. BTC / USD = 3873.7
in RMB, a bitcoin equals 26584.43 yuan
this is today's exchange rate
5. Latest quotation: 1btc = 9900.99usdt = 70145.40 RMB
6. The exchange rate of bitcoin has been floating and changing. Now the exchange rate of bitcoin is relatively low. Because of the development of digital currency and Internet finance, bitcoin is still in constant development and change. To trade bitcoin and other digital currencies, we need to trade on a professional digital currency trading platform. Okcoin virtual currency trading platform is the largest professional digital currency trading platform in terms of trading volume and scale of bitcoin and Leyte currency in China.
7. Now it may be down to more than 5000. Some time ago, it reached more than 7000
8. How to calculate the purchase price of RMB 5000 for us $36000 bitcoin
(5000 x a) / 36000 = 0.0218

A is the ratio of RMB to us dollar at that time (that is, the exchange rate of RMB to us dollar at that time)
A = 0.15696
the exchange rate of RMB to us dollar on January 20, 2021 is 0.154304
9. Speculation that mining will decrease from July and the devaluation of the renminbi, which accounts for the largest share of bitcoin transactions, have also had an impact on the appreciation of bitcoin. In late May, after the people's Bank of China (PBOC) set the central parity rate of the RMB against the US dollar at its lowest level in five years, investors began to buy a lot of bitcoin and sell the RMB. Since then, bitcoin has risen nearly 50% against the yuan.
10. First, write the process of sending and receiving files

public sub sendfile (file name as string, wins as Winsock)
&; The file name is the name of the file to be transferred, and the wins is the Winsock control to send the file
dim freef as integer & # 39; Idle file number
dim lenfile as long & 39; The length of the file
dim bytdata() as byte & # 39; Array for storing data
freef = freefile & # 39; Get the free file number
open file name for binary as # freef & # 39; Open file
lenfile = lof (freef) & 39; Get the file length
if lenfile & lt= iMax Then ' If the file to be sent is smaller than the size of the data block, send
ReDim bytdata (1 to lenfile) & 39 directly; Redefine the array size according to the file length
get # freef, bytdata # 39; Read the file into the array
close # freef & # 39; Close the file
wins.senddata bytdata & # 39; Send data
Exit sub
end if
& 39; If the file is larger than the data block size, send it in blocks
do until (IPOs & gt; = 0 LenFile - iMax)) ' The cycle of sending whole data
ReDim bytdata (1 to IMAX)
get # freef, IPOs + 1, bytdata
wins.senddata bytdata
IPOs = IPOs + IMAX & # 39; Move the IPOs to point down the data to be read
& 39; It should be noted here that it is necessary to check whether there is any data left in the file. If the file size is equal to
& 39% of the data block size; Integer times, then there is no data left
ReDim bytdata (1 to lenfile - IPOs) & 39; Send the remaining data less than one data block
get # freef, IPOs + 1, bytdata
wins.senddata bytdata
close # freef

the following is the program of the receiver:
private sub winsock1_ DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim bytData() As Byte
Dim lLenFile As Long
Dim f
f = FreeFile
Open strFileName For Binary As #f ' Strfilename is the file name
llenfile = lof (f)
ReDim bytdata (1 to bytestotal)
winsock1. GetData bytdata
if llenfile = 0 then & # 39; Llenfile = 0 indicates that the file is opened for the first time. There is a problem here, that is & # 39; If the file exists, there will be an error. You should check whether the file exists before opening it Here I omitted)
put # F, 1, bytdata
put # F, lenfile + 1, bytdata
end if
close # f
End Sub

now the file is on the hard disk on the server of summer solstice, and then it will be OK to transfer the file to the database, that's not the point! ~<
write down the common properties of Winsock, event
localhost name | local machine name
localip | local machine IP address
localport | port of local machine communication program (0 & lt; Port & lt; 65536)
remotehost | name of remote machine
remoteport | port of communication program of remote machine
state | current state of connection (detailed description later)
protocal | use TCP or UDP protocol (here we choose Ɔ-scktcpprotocol')
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------
the listen method is used for the server program to wait for the client to access
format: Winsock object. Listen
connect method is used to send connection request to remote host
format: Winsock object. Connect [remote host IP, Remote port]
the accept method is used to accept a connection request
format: Winsock object. Accept request ID
this method is used to send data
format: Winsock object. SendData data
is used to get the received data
format: Winsock object. GetData variable [, data type [, Maximum length]]
close the current connection
format: Winsock object. Close
* event
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, Can be triggered when communicating (client)
connectrequest | generated when a request connection arrives (server)
dataarrival | triggered when data arrives
error | occurred when an error occurs
sendprogress | data transmission progress
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