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Go to the talent center and drop your report card

Publish: 2021-05-29 17:17:08
1. Military instry has asset injection expectation - this is the most important reason for PE valuation of most listed companies! At present, in the secondary market, most of the listed companies in the military instry sector are subordinate enterprises of the top ten military instry groups. The capital operation of the military instry sector has been continuously promoted, and the market also gives a certain valuation premium for the injection of high-quality assets into the military instry group. Profit scale and pricing mechanism - for complete machine companies, low profit margin caused by small profit scale and military proct pricing mechanism is also a main reason for high PE. The pricing mechanism of military procts (full cost plus 5% pricing) is strict for the whole machine companies, so the profit margin is limited. The net interest rate of most whole machine companies is about 2% - 3%, which is significantly lower than the international level. In addition, for some listed companies of the people's army, their market value is small, but it gives investors a lot of imagination. In addition, the premium brought by the opaque information of the military instry makes the military instry stocks look more expensive

Personal files belong to confidential information. If you really need to them, you must go to the file management section of the talent exchange center to explain the situation in writing and apply for transfer out. Then you can choose to them, register and seal them. After that, the talent exchange center will seal them again. There are two main approaches to reconsideration archives. One is to call the company's archives management office or the talent market; Second, through the school, company or talent related network query

extended data:

Chapter IV collection, arrangement and utilization of personnel files of Floating Personnel

Article 12 talent flow service institutions should strengthen the contact with floating personnel and their current work units, do a good job in the collection of file materials of floating personnel, and constantly enrich the content of personnel files of floating personnel. The collected materials must be carefully identified. If it needs to be sealed by the unit or signed by the person, it can be included in the archives after being signed and sealed

Article 13 talent mobility service institutions should conscientiously do a good job in sorting out the files of Floating Personnel in accordance with the relevant provisions of cadre files sorting. In the process of file arrangement, it is necessary to prevent the loss of file materials and unauthorized disclosure of file contents, and it is not allowed to alter, extract, destroy or transfer personnel file materials without authorization

Article 14 talent flow service institutions should establish and improve the working system and precautions of personnel files access and borrowing of Floating Personnel in accordance with the relevant provisions of the regulations on cadre files work

(1) to consult the personnel files of floating personnel, approval proceres should be handled. The consulting unit shall state the reasons for the consulting list, and the file management unit shall determine the archival materials to be provided according to the regulations and needs

(2) the consulting unit should check the personnel files of the floating personnel in the talent flow service organization. For those who do not meet the prescribed conditions, the talent flow service institution may introce the relevant information of the inspected person to the consulting unit according to the actual situation

(3) the personnel files of senior professional and technical personnel and mobile personnel involved in state secrets shall be strictly kept and checked by personnel flow service institutions

(4) no indivial may consult or borrow the files of himself or his immediate family members

(5) when consulting archives, it is necessary to strictly abide by the confidentiality and file reading regulations. It is strictly forbidden to alter, circle, extract or replace the archives materials, and the searchers are not allowed to disclose or disclose the contents of archives without authorization

Chapter V custody of personnel files of Floating Personnel Article 15 personnel mobility service institutions shall have the material conditions to manage personnel files of floating personnel, establish a solid fire-proof and moisture-proof special archives warehouse, and be equipped with iron filing cabinets; Regularly check the warehouse fire, moisture, moth, burglar, light, high temperature and other facilities and safety measures; The Archives storehouse, archives reading room and Archivist's office should be separated from each other. It is necessary to constantly study and improve the storage methods and protection technology of archives, and graally realize the modernization of archives management

Article 16 establish and improve the internal rules and regulations for the management of personnel files of floating personnel, strengthen the policy research and theoretical research on the work of personnel files of floating personnel, implement the management by objectives, and constantly improve the efficiency and quality of the management of personnel files of floating personnel

Article 17 the management of personnel files of floating personnel shall be in the charge of a special person. File management personnel must be party members with strong party spirit, correct style, loyal to their ties and professional knowledge of file management

source of reference: Network - Interim Provisions on the management of personnel files of mobile personnel

3. You can go to the Academic Affairs Office of your school to print and seal
4. tolerable. Bring your ID card with you and explain the purpose. They'll send you an application form
5. In the talent market file, make a and let it be stamped there. Or go back to school and print an original, and then seal it. Either way will do.
6. Take No. 122 bus (Jinan East Railway Station - Jinan Iron and Steel East Gate) to Xinyu Road and walk to Jinan International Convention and Exhibition Center
7. Now it's buy one get one free. I think the quality of this wiper is very good
8. Look at yourself. It's higher than that now
9. 50 years ago, I practiced in the 5-10 level transfer station map of each race. ha-ha. Minable copper mine

at 50, you can learn intermediate Sao. Now you can go to the 20-30 transfer station to study. It is recommended to study in (wetland) here, mainly in the cave beside the waterfall in the north of the map. After 125 years of training, I graated from the wetland. Copper, silver, iron and scorpion can be mined here

now the place where you can enter LM BL is thousand needle stone forest. This is a good place 125-175. If you are not happy here, you can beat me. Here you can mine copper, tin, iron, silver and gold

when you get to 175, you're happy now. You'll move to wasteland immediately. I don't know why there are so many mines here. You can ride your mount and run at will, but don't run to the top corner of the map. Want to kill NPC play can go to ha! You can pick (real silver) when you practice 230 here, but it's good to practice 245 here. The minerals that can be collected are iron ore, gold ore, silver ore, true silver and secret silver

now you can go to the scorching canyon. The black iron is waiting for you. If you don't go, he will cry. If you are tired of mining, you can go to the melting pot to watch the fire. But I believe you are sweating and don't want to go away. You can practice here until 275. Congratulations when you get to 275. It's time for you to graate from mining school, Although I'm only 275, what's the matter? I can't mine any mine. It is mainly used to collect the iron ore from the true silver gold deposit in miyin and the black iron ore from the gold deposit

now you can go to East plague to realize your dream of becoming rich. Arcane crystal is watching you smile. If it's a thief, I'll go to xilishu and tear it. No one interferes with it, but I'm indifferent to it<

it's normal for me to go to 300 in a day (24 hours) according to this training method. It took me only 17 hours to get there. This is the mining time, not the whole time from 1 to 300.

from 300 to 325, it's recommended not to go to Outland, but to dig fuser in dongquangu. Now all the players are in Outland, and there is no one to compete with you. It can be quickly increased to 325, and fuser becomes green, But I can still upgrade my skills. I didn't go back until I got 332

after skill 332, you can go directly to Hellfire Peninsula to mine magic iron. You can mine refined iron all the way to zanga. Generally speaking, there are more mines in the fire peninsula, while there are fewer mines in zanga and tyroca, but it's enough for you

370, you can guess krypton gold (+ 5 gloves). Now no one picks krypton gold. It's all yours. The double collection occupation is sure to make the most money in the early stage of TBC

in mining, it should be noted that if someone else is mining, it will be boring if they are hostile. It is better to start first. Ha ha, go straight to 375. While there are not many people who can collect krypton gold, let's make a good profit

note: there are two gold mines in the of zanga, that is, the next doesn't need DZ much

if you don't rush up and directly rush mining, I think it can be faster. I expect it can reach 375 in about 10 hours
10. Do you want to check the IP address assigned by your computer when it is connected to the Internet? If it is, you can follow the steps below. Enter CMD in the run, and then enter ipconfig / all in the pop-up window. Note that there is a space in the middle. After entering, press enter to see your IP address under the line of local connection
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