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Bank merchant digital currency

Publish: 2021-05-29 10:36:14
1. It's just a trap. It's a fraud company similar to MLM. It's under the guise of "high risk and high return". In fact, it's not an investment project at all. Moreover, the company is not listed at all. The stock code is fake. You can check it and run away after a month
the information of real digital currency is open and transparent, and can be queried at any time, such as bitcoin, Ruitai coin, Laite coin, vitality coin, etc.
2. It's not safe to work in the mine. Maybe you don't like to be afraid of him. Either let him change his job, or you'll think about it.
3. Bitcoin is an electronic currency proced by open source P2P software. Digital currency is a kind of network virtual currency. Bitcoin is also paraphrased as "bitcoin.". Short for: BTC
bitcoin does not rely on specific currency institutions to issue. It is generated through a large number of calculations of specific algorithms. Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the whole P2P network to confirm and record all transactions. The decentralized nature and algorithm of P2P can ensure that it is impossible to artificially manipulate the value of bitcoin through mass proction
bitcoin is very similar to cash
the advantages of bitcoin are: no freezing, no tracking, no taxes, and extremely low transaction costs. Compared with people who speculate in currency, it is wealth, and people outside the currency circle may think it is a fraud
bitcoin is a relatively mainstream digital currency, which can be invested appropriately. There are risks in the transaction. You can invest cautiously. You can search the fire coin, coin security, OK, dobby trading platforms on the Internet. These are relatively large trading platforms. Invest in mainstream digital currency, do not invest in counterfeit currency or air currency, The handling fee set by each trading platform is different.
4. Illegal digital currency of yinshangbao means illegal fund raising
5. It's definitely a hoax
according to the news, the Ministry of Commerce has not approved any company to engage in the original trading, and the current crude oil trading is all financial fraud< br /> http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2015-10-21/doc-ifxizetf7729687.shtml
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