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发布时间: 2021-05-01 15:28:28

『壹』 中国认可的波兰大学有波兹南设计学院么

波兰高等教育学校包括两种类型:一类是高等职业教育学校,另一类是普通高等学校。高等职业教育学校仅提供6-8学期的第一学位(学士学位)课程;普通高等学校提供6-8学期的第一学位(学士学位)课程,或10-12学期一贯制的硕士学位课程;高等职业学校的毕业生和普通高等学校学士学位 获得者可继续学习3-5学期的硕士研究生课程,获得硕士学位。硕士学位获得者可申请攻读博士学位。



1.Uniwersytet Warszawski 华沙大学
2.Uniwersytet w Biaymstoku 比亚威斯托克大学
3.Uniwersytet Gdański格但斯克大学
4.Uniwersytet im Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu波兹南密茨凯维奇大学
5.Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie 克拉科夫雅盖隆大学
6.Uniwersytet Lódzki 罗兹大学
7.Uniwersytet Marii CurieSkodowskiej w Lublinie 卢布林居里夫人大学
8.Uniwersytet Miko?aja Kopernika w Toruniu 托伦哥白尼大学
9.Uniwersytet Opolski 奥波莱大学
10.Uniwersytet Szczeciński 什切青大学
11.Uniwersytet ski w Katowicach 卡托维兹西里西亚大学
12.Uniwersytet Rzeszowski热舒夫大学
13.Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie奥尔什丁瓦尔米亚玛祖里大学
14.Uniwersytet Wroclaw弗罗茨瓦夫大学
15.Uniwersytet Kardyna Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie华沙维申斯基红衣主教大学
16.Uniwersytet Zielonogórski绿山大学
17.Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski卢布林天主教大学

1.Politechnika Warszawska 华沙工业大学
2.Politechnika Biaostocka 比亚威斯托克工业大学
3.Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku -Bia?ej 别耳斯科-比亚瓦技术人文学院
4.Politechnika Cz?stochowska 琴希托霍瓦工业大学
5.Politechnika Gdańska 格但斯克工业大学
6.Politechnika ?l?ska (Gliwice) 西里西亚工业大学(格利维策)
7.Politechnika ?wi?tokrzyska (Kielce) 圣十字工业大学(凯尔采)
8.Politechnika Koszalińska 科沙林工业大学
9.Politechnika Krakowska 克拉科夫工业大学
10.Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza 矿业冶金学院
11.Politechnika Lubelska 卢布林工业大学
12.Politechnika ?ódzka 罗兹大学
13.Politechnika Opolska 奥波莱工业大学
14.Politechnika Poznańska波兹南工业大学
15.Politechnika Radomska腊多姆工业大学
16.Politechnika Rzeszowska热舒夫工业大学
17.Politechnika Szczecińska什切青工业大学
18.Politechnika Wroc?awska弗罗茨瓦夫工业大学

1.Akademia Ekonomiczna im Karola Adamieckiego阿达密耶茨基经济学院
2.Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie克拉科夫经济学院
3.Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu波兹南经济学院
4.Szko?a Gówna Handlowa w Warszawie华沙中央商学院(原华沙经济学院)
5.Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Oskara Langego兰格经济学院

1.Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej 格热格热夫斯卡特殊教育学院
2. Akademia Bydgoska im. Kazimierza Wielkiego 比得哥熙卡基米日维尔基学院
3. Wy?sza Szko?a Pedagogiczna w Czstochowie琴希托霍瓦高等师范学校
4. Akademia ?wi?tokrzyska im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach凯尔采圣十字科哈诺夫斯基学院
5.Akademia Pedagogiczna im. KEN w Krakowie克拉科夫“国民教育委员会”师范学院
6.Pomorska Akademia Pedagogiczna w Supsku斯乌普斯克波莫瑞师范学院
7. Akademia Podlaska w Siedlcach谢德尔策波德拉斯学院

1.Szkoa G?ówna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie华沙中央农村经济学院
2.Akademia Techniczno-Rolnicza im. J.J.?niadeckich希尼亚德茨基农业技术学院
3.Akademia Rolnicza im.Hugona Ko???taja w Krakowie克拉科夫科翁泰农学院
4.Akademia Rolnicza w Lublinie卢布林农学院
5. Akademia Rolnicza w Poznaniu波兹南农学院
6. Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie什切青农学院
7.Akademia Rolnicza we Wroc?awiu弗罗茨瓦夫农学院

1.Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. J?drzeja ?niadeckiego w Gdańsku格但斯克希尼亚德茨基体育学院
2.Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Katowicach卡托维兹体育学院
3.Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronis?awa Czecha w Krakowie克拉科夫柴赫体育学院
4.Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Eugeniusza Piaseckiego w Poznaniu波兹南比亚赛茨基体育学院
5.Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Józefa Pi?sudskiego w Warszawie华沙毕苏茨基体育学院
6.Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wroc?awiu弗罗茨瓦夫体育学院

1. Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Bia?ej Podlaskiej比亚瓦-波德拉斯卡国立高等职业学校
2.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Che?mie海乌姆国立高等职业学校
3.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Ciechanowie切哈奴夫国立高等职业学校
4.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Elbl?gu埃尔布拉格国立高等职业学校
5.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim大波兰戈茹夫国立高等职业学校
6.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Jaros?awiu亚罗斯瓦夫国立高等职业学校
7.Kolegium Karkonoskie w Jeleniej Górze耶累尼亚-古腊卡尔科诺斯学院
8.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Kaliszu卡利什国立高等职业学校
9.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Koninie科宁国立高等职业学校
10.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Kro?nie克罗斯诺国立高等职业学校
11.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Legnicy莱哥尼查国立高等职业学校
12.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Lesznie莱什诺国立高等职业学校
13.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Nowym S?czu新松奇国立高等职业学校
14.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Nowym Targu新塔尔克国立高等职业学校
15.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Nysie尼萨国立高等职业学校
16.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Pile皮瓦国立高等职业学校
17.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w P?ocku普沃茨克国立高等职业学校
18.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Przemy?lu普热米希尔国立高等职业学校
19.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Raciborzu拉奇布什国立高等职业学校
20.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Sanoku萨诺克国力高等职业学校
21.Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa Administracji Publicznej w Sulechowie苏莱胡夫公共行政高等职业学校
22.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Tarnobrzegu塔尔诺布热格国立高等职业学校
23.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Tarnowie塔尔奴夫国立高等职业学校
24.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Wa?brzychu瓦乌布日赫国立高等职业学校
25.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa we W?oc?awku弗罗茨瓦维克国立高等职业学校
26.Państwowa Medyczna Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Opolu奥波莱国立高等职业学校
27.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Informatyki i Przedsi?biorczo?ci w ?om?y沃姆热国立信息与企业高等学校
28.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w G?ogowie格沃格夫国立高等职业学校
29.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Zawodowa w Gnie?nie格涅兹诺国立高等职业学校
30.Państwowa Wy?sza Szkoa Zawodowa w Wa?czu瓦乌奇国立高等职业学校

1.Akademia Medyczna w Bia?ymstoku 比亚威斯托克医学院
2.Akademia Medyczna im. Ludwika Rydygiera 雷迪盖尔医学院
3.Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku 格但斯克医学院
4.?l?ska Akademia Medyczna w Katowicach卡托维兹西里西亚医学院
5.Akademia Medyczna w Lublinie 卢布林医学院
6.Akademia Medyczna w ?odzi 罗兹医学院
7.Akademia Medyczna im Karola Marcinkowskiego马尔琴科夫斯基医学院
8.Pomorska Akademia Medyczna w Szczecinie 什切青波莫瑞医学院
9.Akademia Medyczna w Warszawie 华沙医学院
10.Akademia Medyczna im. Piastów ?l?skich 西里西亚皮亚斯特医学院

1.Akademia Sztuk Pi?knych w Gdańsku 格但斯克美术学院
2.Akademia Sztuk Pi?knych卡托维兹美术学院
3.Akademia Sztuk Pi?knych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie克拉科夫马泰依科美术学院
4.Akademia Sztuk Pi?knych im. W?adys?awa Strzemińskiego w ?odzi罗兹斯特热敏斯基美术学院
5.Akademia Sztuk Pi?knych w Poznaniu波兹南美术学院
6.Akademia Sztuk Pi?knych w Warszawie华沙美术学院
7.Akademia Sztuk Pi?knych we Wroc?awiu弗罗茨瓦夫美术学院

1.Akademia Muzyczna w Bydgoszczy比得哥熙音乐学院
2.Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanis?awa Moniuszki 莫纽什科音乐学院
3.Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego 席曼诺夫斯基音乐学院
4.Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie 克拉科夫音乐学院
5.Akademia Muzyczna Lodzi罗兹音乐学院
6.Akademia Muzyczna im. Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego 帕德莱夫斯基音乐学院
7.Akademia Muzyczna im. Fryderyka Chopina 肖邦音乐学院
8.Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Lipińskiego 利平斯基音乐学院

1.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Teatralna im. Ludwika Solskiego w Krakowie克拉科夫索尔斯基高等国立戏剧学校
2.Państwowa Wy?sza Szko?a Filmowa, Telewizyjna i Teatralna im. Leona Schillera w ?odzi罗兹高等国立席勒电影、电视与戏剧学校
3.Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza w Warszawie华沙泽尔维罗维奇戏剧学院

1.Akademia Obrony Narodowej w Warszawie华沙国防学院
2.Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jaros?awa D?browskiego w Warszawie华沙董布罗夫斯基军队技术学院

3.Akademia Marynarki Wojennej im. Bohaterów Westerplatte w Gdyni格丁尼亚西部半岛英雄海军学院

2.Wy?sza Szko?a Oficerska Si? Powietrznych 空军军官高等学校

1.Wy?sza Szko?a Policji 警察高等学校
2.Szko?a G?ówna S?u?by Po?arnej 中央消防学院


1.Akademia Morska w Gdyni格丁尼亚海洋学院
2.Akademia Morska w Szczecinie切青海洋学院高等学校

『贰』 奥迪a1中国限量版ego plus什么意思

高尔夫37万多。买这个奥迪A1 2013款 30 TFSI 中国限量版 Ego plus
31.18万用霍尼韦尔消费产品集团英国豪特汽油剂红线si-1…3M 劲爽…雪佛龙TCP…巴斯夫化学快乐跑(BASF Keropur)一汽大众G17,马孚、菲洛克、戴乐等燃油剂进口和德系喷油燃烧系统太精密不用不行。法系也要用因为高速发动机。

『叁』 美国老师怎样惩罚学习差的学生。







『肆』 奥迪a1 2012款 1.4 tfsi ego音响怎么样


【空间】这个非常见仁见智了。 A1有4门有2门,空间问题要跟你日常使用挂钩,我觉得这样的评定才客观。就我个人而言,两门版,前排应付我180的个头和微胖的身型,足够有余了。后备箱应付中短途旅行也是足够,当然你要在这个尺寸的小车要求空间的话,我会觉得你还么搞清楚你为啥买这个车。4门版根据车友的反应和我自己曾经坐过4门版的后座,偶尔短途满载是完全没有问题。不得不承认,4门的空间感会好一些,对于有后排要求的亲们会比较实用。

『伍』 是不是不充钱就无法再中国知网上面下载文献或者论文,连浏览论文都受到限制。

『陆』 (急急急)描述一下英国与中国在教育特征礼仪的不同(用英语)


China of scholars for big hat for hat for entering the Olympics the suggestion, some the peoples angrily gravamen, button upping the innumerable, this splitting the head button upping come overing a lot ofly pouring is very 吓 person, and bigly having culture tradition first stick killing .The Chinese is on wearing the clothing, they of this race , the Chinese is on wearing the lounge suit, they the ambition is satisfied and fulled;They it rises this affairs to the high proceeding of the consciousness appearance judgment, is to looking at the traditional culture with a revolting feeling.
I would not° say, and is necessary in that twenty century, study west, on today, afresh stand to rise the waist on the spirit, and set up our own the unseen to also is necessary, difficult way we want to do a servant appearance on the spirit forever be is proper? difficult way we by oneself have no an own spirit.
This spirit is my own, or only the go in some disorderly have no a thought fragment for of moving, and this is an affair that have innate character's distinct. the time that we arrived to establish the own the unseen, the people of on the spirit low person an etc., on the thought ability low person an etc., on the manufacturing meaning the world, worth a world and ability of idea justice low person a the times of etc. have already pass bied. certainly, the somebody hasn't known this point, and they are still crest culture from vulgar unconscious, grope for in the blackness. they ask for help of just plagiarize, that thought, ream person that spirit of , they what all have, show off the innumerable the that does not understand, and is a that have no an ego, certainly, thought let alone. mankind of thought, everything of the unseen, everything of meaning- worth a system, is a mind what structure come out, not is God to give with highest divine power mankind of, have no this creates ability of part of the people, you of mind of creative power of death mind that does not represent whole race of creative power of death.
Many people insist the ego with open to forgive to stand opposite, and you true frightened ego is original, apparently an original, is to fall behinded, western person, an original, forerunner, is really a discards for don't independence character. any talk to all have the language , twenty century, we to want to in earnest study, but the study is overed, and we think entitle to original, we think entitle toed to establish own school of thought, certainly, somebody, sew to oneself from the bone all risk toward the outside from the vulgar sour spirit, with the character of the uneasiness of own spirit, a spirit servant.
Do the woe, that servant is sorrow on the body, but can still resist; do the servant on the spirit is, more have mercy oned to have no to turn over the day of the body. certainly, reach a the part of people, two kinds of servants all and gladly receive, and this also is collectively unconscious, and their consciousness does not arrive the appearance of this servant, and this is the wonderful dwelling place of the spirit servant at, do the servant and lack self-knowledge, and this is what the servant's tallest state, part of the peoples of for this servant appearance, had the disillusion, and combine to bay a defianced, and the some servant make out to become accustomed toed, the elephant g Chinese that the grave of the own servant appearance, more make firm resolve the to get up, mean uneasy even cut up roughed. do the servant this farm land, and also this part contain this self-restraint, and really admire complete prostration. make reference to the bottom, and is really the old bottom of the spirit's servant appearance to is exposed, and the in the mind is really guilty and tight, again em.
The body's servant, general total there is body of or the spirit's pain and sufferings, as to such of spirit servant, on the spirit return smug and arrogant of tight, since have no body of pain and sufferings, again out of heart pain and sufferings, the unique slightly show lack of is, is the mentality's not enough 充沛 , spirit ability that creative power of lack, with right the future develop of hopeless, this also not beat tight, only always insist the study's carriage, total some high class of brains Sirs of more prosperous alt the truth that transport amount dog dinner to our brain of a life time that fragment of, our spirit still not to the extent of fill dissatisfied, this is the ed to do the servant, and is to study forever, and constantly study, from the twenty century want to study till 2 100 centuries, this ego of spirit, be a container, what can all to pack of, as far as when pack amount virus to you thought what of, your pit, and also surprising, ask for it. as to what is meaningful, what is worthy, what is a justice of, all let those thought the high and wonderful alt Sirses the heart like, they say the what, we to hearing be, we still saved so much of fee idea that spirit of agony, want the source to establish the meaning, value of system, justice of rule. an incaution establishment mistake, this is really a big people for, having the high class brains of important event and can't make mistake of, our this low etc. head make mistake can say that prohibit, this spirit slave be is really comfortable tight.
The sovereignty's appearance of the carriage, the unseen of the spirit's host, like this of great idea, really and far and not the Chinese manpower can be competent of.
Like this of unappreciative the people that the race's spirit, is to not only want to do the spirit servant now, in the future still want to continuously do, when some turn over the to realize mistake the unseen of to knock down spirit host, structure what own the unseen of son, really rebel against authoritied to revolt, overestimate the own ability. still less picked those spirits the servant's 祖 grave, and ruin the main , of their absolute being not is a won't servant?
Like this of the race's spirit, is really the model of the servant spirit. tell those over-confident the people doors, servant appearance is what an an an an an an an an an an an a day settle, as if God's , don't not worth, when you want the the alt Sir of the thought's , west of the western alt the 们 to stop supply the fragment of the thoughting, and you will connect the fragment can't get, and the 沦 is the thought's beggary, can at least now and still the 讨 got the for appearance for servant for rice eating, returning not to the extent of enre hungering. diing, this spirit, really and already is I waiting.
In fact, these of spirit servant, have of just the spirit's form fragment, connect a thought for doubt spirit for odd change for spirit don't learn, make reference toing reasonableness, first bing doubting the west coming, and is a big not way doubt spirit for for spirit form for, first doubt oneself ancestor, that excitement as ifly taking the hemp sort. like this, is really immature person of.
I want to say, China's part of and wont plagiary west , really is move four words of reasonableness spirits are just, as to reasonableness spirit, however is 1:00 to all have no of. move to come some thoughts, theys to are really efficient and tight, on bing the request oneself to thought, their head hair bulge, in fact is this head to give to fill full, have of or skull that garbage, like this have no bulge bad calculate unusually lucky, want them to do the amount high class 1:00 of creation and real think to want to work, and some door all have no. that skull open to take a look, doctrine, theory, Greece Rome thought, the messy word of Christianity, odd pieces put a ground, want to search the own thought, however is 1:00 too have no of. like this of skull, really is as if hull general.
The spirit's hull of whole race , is to do obeisance these high classes the skull of servants to grant.
Note:The 《 that this text reorganize the ego does a comfortable spirit servant — the — concerning ten Doctors's versa Christmas book 》 , two affairs, why its likeness is a , so its text is basic and did not change, be one's own its past.
China of scholars for big hat for hat for entering the Olympics the suggestion, some the peoples angrily gravamen, button upping the innumerable, this splitting the head button upping come overing a lot ofly pouring is very 吓 person, and bigly having culture tradition first stick killing .The Chinese is on wearing the clothing, they of this race , the Chinese is on wearing the lounge suit, they the ambition is satisfied and fulled;They it rises this affairs to the high proceeding of the consciousness appearance judgment, is to looking at the traditional culture with a revolting feeling.
I would not° say, and is necessary in that twenty century, study west, on today, afresh stand to rise the waist on the spirit, and set up our own the unseen to also is necessary, difficult way we want to do a servant appearance on the spirit forever be is proper? difficult way we by oneself have no an own spirit.
This spirit is my own, or only the go in some disorderly have no a thought fragment for of moving, and this is an affair that have innate character's distinct. the time that we arrived to establish the own the unseen, the people of on the spirit low person an etc., on the thought ability low person an etc., on the manufacturing meaning the world, worth a world and ability of idea justice low person a the times of etc. have already pass bied. certainly, the somebody hasn't known this point, and they are still crest culture from vulgar unconscious, grope for in the blackness. they ask for help of just plagiarize, that thought, ream person that spirit of , they what all have, show off the innumerable the that does not understand, and is a that have no an ego, certainly, thought let alone. mankind of thought, everything of the unseen, everything of meaning- worth a system, is a mind what structure come out, not is God to give with highest divine power mankind of, have no this creates ability of part of the people, you of mind of creative power of death mind that does not represent whole race of creative power of death.
Many people insist the ego with open to forgive to stand opposite, and you true frightened ego is original, apparently an original, is to fall behinded, western person, an original, forerunner, is really a discards for don't independence character. any talk to all have the language , twenty century, we to want to in earnest study, but the study is overed, and we think entitle to original, we think entitle toed to establish own school of thought, certainly, somebody, sew to oneself from the bone all risk toward the outside from the vulgar sour spirit, with the character of the uneasiness of own spirit, a spirit servant.
Do the woe, that servant is sorrow on the body, but can still resist; do the servant on the spirit is, more have mercy oned to have no to turn over the day of the body. certainly, reach a the part of people, two kinds of servants all and gladly receive, and this also is collectively unconscious, and their consciousness does not arrive the appearance of this servant, and this is the wonderful dwelling place of the spirit servant at, do the servant and lack self-knowledge, and this is what the servant's tallest state, part of the peoples of for this servant appearance, had the disillusion, and combine to bay a defianced, and the some servant make out to become accustomed toed, the elephant g Chinese that the grave of the own servant appearance, more make firm resolve the to get up, mean uneasy even cut up roughed. do the servant this farm land, and also this part contain this self-restraint, and really admire complete prostration. make reference to the bottom, and is really the old bottom of the spirit's servant appearance to is exposed, and the in the mind is really guilty and tight, again em.
The body's servant, general total there is body of or the spirit's pain and sufferings, as to such of spirit servant, on the spirit return smug and arrogant of tight, since have no body of pain and sufferings, again out of heart pain and sufferings, the unique slightly show lack of is, is the mentality's not enough 充沛 , spirit ability that creative power of lack, with right the future develop of hopeless, this also not beat tight, only always insist the study's carriage, total some high class of brains Sirs of more prosperous alt the truth that transport amount dog dinner to our brain of a life time that fragment of, our spirit still not to the extent of fill dissatisfied, this is the ed to do the servant, and is to study forever, and constantly study, from the twenty century want to study till 2 100 centuries, this ego of spirit, be a container, what can all to pack of, as far as when pack amount virus to you thought what of, your pit, and also surprising, ask for it. as to what is meaningful, what is worthy, what is a justice of, all let those thought the high and wonderful alt Sirses the heart like, they say the what, we to hearing be, we still saved so much of fee idea that spirit of agony, want the source to establish the meaning, value of system, justice of rule. an incaution establishment mistake, this is really a big people for, having the high class brains of important event and can't make mistake of, our this low etc. head make mistake can say that prohibit, this spirit slave be is really comfortable tight.
The sovereignty's appearance of the carriage, the unseen of the spirit's host, like this of great idea, really and far and not the Chinese manpower can be competent of.
Like this of unappreciative the people that the race's spirit, is to not only want to do the spirit servant now, in the future still want to continuously do, when some turn over the to realize mistake the unseen of to knock down spirit host, structure what own the unseen of son, really rebel against authoritied to revolt, overestimate the own ability. still less picked those spirits the servant's 祖 grave, and ruin the main , of their absolute being not is a won't servant?
Like this of the race's spirit, is really the model of the servant spirit. tell those over-confident the people doors, servant appearance is what an an an an an an an an an an an a day settle, as if God's , don't not worth, when you want the the alt Sir of the thought's , west of the western alt the 们 to stop supply the fragment of the thoughting, and you will connect the fragment can't get, and the 沦 is the thought's beggary, can at least now and still the 讨 got the for appearance for servant for rice eating, returning not to the extent of enre hungering. diing, this spirit, really and already is I waiting.
In fact, these of spirit servant, have of just the spirit's form fragment, connect a thought for doubt spirit for odd change for spirit don't learn, make reference toing reasonableness, first bing doubting the west coming, and is a big not way doubt spirit for for spirit form for, first doubt oneself ancestor, that excitement as ifly taking the hemp sort. like this, is really immature person of.
I want to say, China's part of and wont plagiary west , really is move four words of reasonableness spirits are just, as to reasonableness spirit, however is 1:00 to all have no of. move to come some thoughts, theys to are really efficient and tight, on bing the request oneself to thought, their head hair bulge, in fact is this head to give to fill full, have of or skull that garbage, like this have no bulge bad calculate unusually lucky, want them to do the amount high class 1:00 of creation and real think to want to work, and some door all have no. that skull open to take a look, doctrine, theory, Greece Rome thought, the messy word of Christianity, odd pieces put a ground, want to search the own thought, however is 1:00 too have no of. like this of skull, really is as if hull general.
The spirit's hull of whole race , is to do obeisance these high classes the skull of servants to grant.
Note:The 《 that this text reorganize the ego does a comfortable spirit servant — the — concerning ten Doctors's versa Christmas book 》 , two affairs, why its likeness is a , so its text is basic and did not change, be one's own its past.

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