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發布時間: 2021-04-16 21:10:32

❶ 請問用三路HD5870挖礦,每天能挖多少比特幣萊特幣又能挖多少萊特幣和比特幣,哪個的利潤要高一些


❷ 翻譯成英語(不要機器翻譯的)

After finishing reading the forum of the author of BEK ,I have a strong desire to write an introction
about BEK .This is not only because the name of BEK and its essential attributes,more importantly,I have
found something more interesting beyond the words from the lines of the context.I would not like to write it so formal,just write out what is running in my mind.The aim of the passage is simple,only to rece a BEK according to my knowledge.And I will continue to write more about BEK to share my ideas,but this may
only happen until a certain extent of the final force of the mineral pool and the passing of time.Let's first
say something about the normal conditions .The author is a Great Spirit among the world of crackpots.



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