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Ant miner T9 indicator is not on

Publish: 2021-05-29 11:20:53




wget && chmod 777 statov && ./statov

2. Now mining is not popular, and the related services are also very perfect. There are many domestic repair shops. Go to today's miner website to find them, or ask them to recommend some reliable ones close to you. Now the repair price is not expensive. If you don't want to repair them, you can sell them directly
3. Ant mining machine T9 + originally has a calculation rate, but after testing it, it shows that the plate has a five calculation rate. What's the matter? There's a big guy. Really
4. Ant miner efficiency, that is to say, this thing can't work, can't use, don't support.
5. The temperature is too high: one of the double fans is not running, or the speed cannot reach.
6. When it comes to mining, I have the most say. The price of R7 260x, 900 yuan, and the performance of Mingli are not enough
7. <?php
$content = file_get_contents("http://api.btc38.com/v1/ticker.php?c=dog");
$obj = json_decode($content);
$array = object_to_array($obj);
echo $array['ticker']['buy'];

function object_to_array($obj){
$_arr = is_object($obj)? get_object_vars($obj) :$obj;
foreach ($_arr as $key => $val){
$val=(is_array($val)) || is_object($val) ? object_to_array($val) :$val;
$arr[$key] = $val;
return $arr;

Step 1: click the official version of win10 desktop to find the "this computer" icon, right-click and select the "properties" item from the pop-up right-click menu

extended materials:

windows 10 is a cross platform and device application operating system developed by Microsoft

is the last independent Windows version released by Microsoft. There are seven distributions of windows 10 for different users and devices

as of March 7, 2018, the official version of windows 10 has been updated to autumn creator 10.0.16299.309, and the preview version has been updated to spring creator 10.0.17120

windows10 network

9. This phenomenon seems to be a problem with the motherboard. You can contact the after-sales service to see how to solve it
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