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How to stop the graphics card mining

Publish: 2021-05-29 19:12:14

A graphics card, a software that can earn bitcoin. Inject new bitcoin (data hashing) into the whole bitcoin market, and then the market will have a certain incentive mechanism (allocate bitcoin to you in proportion). Because if you don't get it, no one will do it, just like your computer is a miner, and bitcoin is the reward


Graphics card mining is a process of increasing the bitcoin money supply

the reason why the graphics card is used is that mining is actually a competition of performance and equipment. The mining machine is composed of graphics card array. With dozens or even hundreds of graphics cards, the cost of hardware and other costs is very high, and there is a considerable expenditure in mining

computers have professional mining chips, and most of them work by installing a large number of graphics cards, which consumes a lot of power. One of the ways to get bitcoin is to download mining software and then run specific algorithm to communicate with remote server to get corresponding bitcoin

extended data

bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of specific monetary institutions, and is generated through a large number of calculations of specific algorithms. Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the whole P2P network to confirm and record all transactions. The decentralized nature and algorithm of P2P can ensure that it is impossible to artificially manipulate the value of bitcoin through mass proction

the bitcoin system is composed of users (users control the wallet through the key), transactions (transactions will be broadcast to the whole bitcoin network) and miners (the blockchain is generated by competitive computing to reach a consensus at each node, and the blockchain is a distributed public authoritative account book, including all transactions in the bitcoin network)

bitcoin miners manage the bitcoin network by solving the problem of workload proof mechanism with certain workload - confirming transactions and preventing double payment. Because hash operation is irreversible, it is very difficult to find the random adjustment number of matching requirements, which requires a continuous trial and error process that can predict the total number of times

when a node finds the solution matching the requirements, it can broadcast its results to the whole network. Other nodes can receive the new data block and check whether it matches the rule. If other nodes find that they really meet the requirements (the operation target required by bitcoin) by calculating the hash value, then the data block is valid, and other nodes will accept the data block


Graphics card mining is a process of increasing the bitcoin money supply

the reason why the graphics card is used is that mining is actually a competition of performance and equipment. The mining machine is composed of graphics card array. With dozens or even hundreds of graphics cards, the cost of hardware and other costs is very high, and there is a considerable expenditure in mining

computers have professional mining chips, and most of them work by installing a large number of graphics cards, which consumes a lot of power. One of the ways to get bitcoin is to download mining software and then run specific algorithm to communicate with remote server to get corresponding bitcoin

extended data

the difference between mine card and ordinary graphics card

the most essential difference between special mine card and ordinary graphics card is whether there is a display interface, some have no or only one interface, and other mainstream HDMI, DVI, DP HD interfaces have been castrated, so they can only be used for mining, not suitable for playing games

the special mine card is only equipped with PCI-E 1.1 because it only aims at the general calculation application of mining with low bus bandwidth requirements × 16 interface, and the ordinary game graphics card is equipped with a higher specification of the mainstream pci-e2.0 / 3.0 specification

to see if the core is yellow, some parts of the new card will be light yellow, but at that time, the color of the protective paint is yellow, while the core yellow of the mine card is yellow and burnt yellow caused by high-frequency use of heat for a long time

4. In fact, it is the same as our wechat wallet. The difference is that it uses virtual currency for transaction. The exchange method is 1:1 with RMB, and the value is stable.
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